IKA Floor is an attractive, easy to use modular interlocking flooring solution.
IKA Floor is hard wearing and hardworking and is the ideal solution for marquees, exhibition shows, event tents and festivals. The smart interlocking system allows quick installation and breakdown, and can be configured to different lay outs and sizes.
The tiles are lightweight and easy to clean, taking two people around 20 minutes to lay a 100 square metre floor.
IKA Floor tiles also come in a range of colours allowing different effects to be created, including checkered dance floors.
Tile edging is also available, perfect for entrances, exits and disability access, and ensuring a professional finish.
Product Specification
• Recyclable polypropylene
• Size: 49.4cm x 49.4cm per tile
• Weight: 1.5 kilograms per tile / 6 kilograms per sq. m
• Colour: Black / White / Light Grey / Dark Grey / Marble Grey / Red
• Non slip surface
• Cabling tracking
• UV resistant